
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Tesselation

Today in Totara we are doing Tesselation Art. Tesselation uses Geometry and it also looks infinity! So we got a rectangle and cut parts of it off, We then use a ruler to put it perfectly opposite the empty piece and stick it on.
(Full Explanation)

My art is a bunch of fish!

Reflection: I enjoyed making this although I could've taken the photo in a better place as the lighting was bad.

Question: Do you like this type of art!?

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Chocolate Touch.

The Chocolate Touch.
This is based of The story called King Midas and The Golden Touch.

Recount: I really enjoyed doing this and I am proud that I wrote 1231 words!

Question: Did you Enjoy my Story!

Charcoal Abstract

Here is my inspiration
Charcoal Abstract
Today in Totara we have been doing cave art using Charcoal, We searched on Google for Charcoal Abstract art, and Then we chose our inspiration. My inspiration was a crow on a tree. I added another crow that was flying and in between the crow and tree I did some Roy Lichtenstein art. The Artists name was Paola ???. I don't know the last name.
Reflection: I could've taken a better Photo and find the artists last name.
Question: What image would you use for Charcoal Abstract.

Friday, August 9, 2019

King Midas and The Chocolate touch Animation.

King Midas and The Gold Touch Animation
In Totora class we are making King Midas animations. The story is about a Greedy King sees to Gods called Dionysus and Silenus passing through, King Midas offered them to stay in his home, Dionysus grants him a wish and Midas wishes that everything he touched turned to Gold. The next day he wakes up and starts touching things, It turns to gold but when he hugs his Daughter she turns to gold, he then gets told to wash his hands.

Question: What could I do better?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Jim Dine themed art.

Jim Dine Themed Art
In Totora we have been learning different artists styles, This time we are doing Jim Dines style.

Jim Dine normally does tool art so we tried his style. The tool I did was a wall stapler (It kind of looks like a unicorn). 

You draw around the tool of choice and then you use charcoal to make the lines darker, you then smudge it so it makes the tool pop. 

Recount: I enjoyed doing this what i can work on is making it look less like a unicorn or shoe and more like a wall stapler.

Question: Would you try this? If so what Tool?

Camera Shots and Angles

Walt: Learning how to use different Angles and Camera shots.
Camera Shots and Angles
Today in Totora we were learning how to take different Camera shots and Angles, Me and my buddy Tawhiri used our chromebooks to take different types of Photos. We are taking these because we are going to be taking part in the Manaiakalani film contest.
Reflection: I think we could write longer Purposes and find better places to take photos because the lighting in some photo's weren't very good
 Question: What was your Favourite Camera Shot?
Hope you liked are slide!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

How to find a Copyright free Image.

Here I am explaining how to credit and give find copyright free images.
There are 4 Ways you can do this.

Go to Google and search for a image you want to use, Then you go to tools then usage rights and Labeled for reuse. Make sure you are allowed to reuse it.

Or you can go to docs and go to tools, Than explore and search for the image you need. The image already has a link.

Or you can use Google draw or Take your own image!