
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Tesselation

Today in Totara we are doing Tesselation Art. Tesselation uses Geometry and it also looks infinity! So we got a rectangle and cut parts of it off, We then use a ruler to put it perfectly opposite the empty piece and stick it on.
(Full Explanation)

My art is a bunch of fish!

Reflection: I enjoyed making this although I could've taken the photo in a better place as the lighting was bad.

Question: Do you like this type of art!?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kobe,I really like your tesselation art,I had never heard of it so I think it is a cool new technique.Your use of colours is really good,but I agree that if the lighting was a bit better,then the colours would show up brighter in the picture.Overall I think this is really nice,and I would like to try it sometime.
