
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Learning Rugby League

Learning Rugby League!Walt: Revise and Create a Quality Blog Post about League
This term in Totara Class we were learning Rugby League with our coaches Jim and Kerry, Every Wednesday they come to teach us by using fun games and activities. We learned lots of things like what a dummy does and how to pass.

How to play Touch
In this photo we were playing touch. Here are the rules (P.S: Some things may be wrong as I am still learning) It starts by someone on one team kicking off no higher than up to someones shoulders to the over teams side, The other team should get the ball and start running to the other side, If the person with the ball gets touched they put the ball on the ground and kicks it back, Another team mate gets the ball and passes the ball to someone that are behind them, Eventually when you get to the goal line you place it down, Don't Drop it! If you run out of the boundaries you give it to the other team.

We learned Rugby league and how it works, We also learned how to play touch?

Have I missed anything out? If so please comment what I missed!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to create a "Quality" Blog post!

How to Create a Quality Blog Post

Today we learned how to posters about how to make a QUALITY blog post with our Cybersmart Teacher Donna Yates, W.A.L.T: To create a quality Blog Post. We used techniques like 1. Catchy titles, 2. Questions for the viewer to answer in the comments, 3. Digital Learning Objects (Posters, Pictures, etc) 4. reflections and 5. related images, Here is some questions: Is there anything you disagree with? Would you try This?